Conducting to Picture

Conducting to Picture

Featuring: Jorge Mester, William Ross, and Angel Velez

The Academy of Scoring Arts presents Conducting to Picture: Take #3 led by Los Angeles Film Conducting Intensive faculty Jorge Mester, William Ross, and Angel Velez. This ASA INFOrum covers working with clicks, punches and streamers, and baton technique. Everyone in the audience participates!

Then we work with a string quintet, in which several of you lucky maestros get to lead through John William’s Prayer for Peace from his score to Munich, with guidance from Jorge and Angel.

This INFOrum is a taste of the full 4-day Los Angeles Film Conducting Intensive.

Special note: due to technical difficulties, some of the audio and video recording of this event was corrupted and is not salvageable. We have chosen to publish the surviving parts (about 1 hour out of the 2.5 hour seminar) because we believe they contain important resources for our community.


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