Browse our library of past events.

Birth of the Cool

Drummer Paul Peress

Debussy’s La Mer (Episode 1)

Italian Composer Carlo Siliotto

Resphigi’s Pines of Rome

Joe Kraemer and the Music of Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation

Black, Brown, and Beige: Bitches and Brews

Mervyn Warren

Grant Geissman

Composer’s Intent

Tim Davies

Prokofiev: Alexander Nevsky Cantata

Leonard Bernstein’s Candide Overture

Michael Abels and the Music of Get Out

Ron Jones: 21 Reasons Composers Shouldn’t Be in the Hamburger Business

Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Episode 1

Carl Rydlund

Chris Boardman: A Lifetime of Change

Holst Planets: Neptune

Gordy Haab and the Music of Star Wars Battlefront

Scoring the Battle: The Music of Halo Wars 2

Penka Kouneva

Holst Planets: Uranus

Bernard Herrmann and the Psychological Narrative of His Film Scores

Anthony Parnther

Holst Planets: Saturn

Tim Davies and His Big Band Arranging

Meter and Time in Jazz Composition

Thomas Goss

Ravel Challenge 2017 with Thomas Goss

Siddhartha Khosla and the Music of This Is Us

Holst Planets: Jupiter

Holst Planets: Mercury

Del Casher

Music in Advertising with Elizabeth Myers

Holst Planets: Venus

Sharon Farber

The Clothed Woman

Brent Fischer

Holst Planets: Mars

Form and Harmonic Motion, Hello and Goodbye

Scoring Games with Jason Graves

Garry Schyman and the Music of Bioshock

John Altman and Goldeneye’s Tank Chase Scene

Erich Korngold and The Adventures of Robin Hood

Edwin Wendler

Thad, Duke, and Some College Chords

Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain

Russell Steinberg

Maids of Cadiz, Sammy Nestico, and Thad Jones

John Williams’s Catch Me If You Can

Neal Desby

John Adams: Short Ride in a Fast Machine

Such Sweet Thunder

Lyndon Johnston Taylor

Bernstein’s Symphonic Dances Score Study: America

Bernstein Symphonic Dances Score Study: Rumble

London Meets Hollywood

The Music Of Bond: Secrets of the John Barry Scores

Bernstein Symphonic Dances Score Study: Cool

Earle Dumler

Drunk History: Meet the Creators

Ko Ko, Duke’s Jungle Period, and Moten Swing

Bernstein Symphonic Dances Score Study: Maria

Richard Niles

Bernstein Symphonic Dances Score Study: Mambo

Adrienne Albert

Bernstein Symphonic Dances Score Study: Scherzo

Gene “Cip” Cipriano

Concerto for Cootie and Blues for Pablo

Bernstein Symphonic Dances Score Study: Prologue

Alex Rannie: Creating Disney in Concert

West Side Story

Mark Watters

Appalachian Spring

Tim Simonec

Mike Lang

Appalachian Spring

Star Wars Score Study

Frank vs. God: A Panel Discussion

Gernot Wolfgang

Star Wars Score Study: Throne Room

The Simpsons: A Panel Discussion

Star Wars Score Study

Star Wars Score Study: Imperial March

Tyler Bates

Conducting with David Newman Part 2

Cliff Eidelman

Star Wars Score Study

Wizard of Cuts: The Art of the Edit

Star Wars Score Study

Creativity on a Deadline with Richard Bellis

Entertainment Law: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Steve Barden

Star Wars Score Study

Conducting with David Newman Part 1

Effective Electronic Scoring Part Two

Ethnic Guitars with Tim May

Eddie Karam

Star Wars Score Study